COVID-19 Information for Employees

Artwork: Violet Oakley, “Alhambra from Granada, Spain”, 1923, watercolor on paper

PAFA has taken a phased approach to reopening campus. Many of our staff who are essential for on-campus operations have already returned. Monday, July 13, 2020, all returning full-time (this does not include furloughed employees or faculty) employees will report to work and for mandatory training for COVID 19, HR protocols for COVID-19, and directions for daily monitoring as part of the return to campus orientation.

Prior to returning to campus, members of the PAFA community must be tested for COVID-19 and, beginning 14 days before their arrival on campus, utilize the ComplianceHR for daily self-screening to track symptoms and quarantine at home insomuch as practical. 

The total number of occupants at any given time is limited to no more than 30% of maximum occupancy. Departments may use remote work arrangements and flexible scheduling to accomplish this.  If there are no requirements to work on campus and work can be done remotely, faculty and staff may be given the opportunity to work remotely until otherwise notified. Tele- or video-conferencing is encouraged for administrative functions and/or meetings. 

Updated Employee Handbook

PAFA created new policies or updated existing ones to address the workplace modifications created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Given these changes, please review policies on face-covering, temperature checks, social distancing.

Staffing Options

It is anticipated that the need to reduce the number of people on campus to meet physical distancing requirements will continue for some time.  At this time, occupancy of office building space is limited to 50% capacity.  Supervisors will determine who must report to work to perform job assignments.

Remote Work:  Those who can effectively work remotely to fulfil their work responsibilities may continue to do so to reduce the number of individuals on campus.  These arrangements, which must be approved by the immediate supervisor, can be done on a full or partial day/week schedule as appropriate given the employee’s ability to complete their work from home.

Alternating Days:  In order to limit the number of individuals and interactions among those who must perform a portion of their work on campus, departments should consider scheduling partial staffing on alternating days or mornings/afternoons.  Such schedules will help enable physical distancing, especially in areas with large common workspaces.

Staggering Reporting/Departing:  Staggering reporting and departure times by at least 15 minutes will reduce traffic in common areas to meet social distancing requirements.

Work in Open Environments

If you work in an open environment, be sure to maintain at least 6 feet distance from co-workers.  You must wear a face-covering at all times while in a shared workspace/room.  Masks must be worn when engaging with the public, including students.

Office cubicle environments where a barrier exists between co-workers when sitting/desk position will provide physical distancing and no additional barriers, such as plexiglass, are necessary.

Employee Exhibiting COVID-19 Symptoms

An individual who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms cannot report to campus.  The institution encourages symptomatic individuals to seek medical care.  The institution and the symptomatic individual will reassess a return to campus strategy once the individual obtains a medical diagnosis.

Student Workers

For the fall 2020 semester, there will be limited student employment/internships and no internships for outside candidates at PAFA to reduce campus density.

Vulnerable Employees

Faculty and staff with concerns about returning to work due to a medical condition that places them in a higher risk group, or those who wish to seek a COVID-19 related accommodation in order to perform the essential functions should contact the Vice President of Human Resources.