Electronic Communications Systems and Internet Usage.

It is the policy of the PAFA that the use of its computers is limited to authorized business purposes to the extent possible. Employees are prohibited from using PAFA’s computers for personal purposes in an excessive manner and/or for business purposes inconsistent with PAFA’s legitimate business interest. Employees are also strictly prohibited from installing software on the system. Employees may not use a code, access a file, or retrieve stored communications unless authorized. All electronic forms of communication and business equipment are the sole property of PAFA.

Employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to any computer hardware, software, electronic mail or computer or electronic means of communication or storage, whether or not employees have private access or an entry code into the computer system. Employees should be aware that it may be possible for internet sites to identify that PAFA computers accessed them and thus employees must be responsible for which sites they access. PAFA reserves the right to monitor the use of its computer system both during and after working hours without further notice to employees. Employees should be aware that access through PAFA computers to a personal e-mail account may result in the personal e-mail account usage being stored on the PAFA computer and subject to PAFA inspection.

  • Electronic mail (e-mail) is an official mechanism of communication for PAFA to its faculty, staff, and students. Approval and transmission of email to the entire campus community must be obtained from the appropriate authority. Only the president or senior staff can authorize the sending of broadcast messages to all students, faculty, and/or staff

  • Employees are required to exercise the same good judgment and discretion when using PAFA’s e-mail system that they should use when placing information in printed correspondence or memoranda. PAFA may monitor use of the email system at any time at its discretion, including printing and reading all emails in the system. Please note that even "deleted" or "erased" messages may still be retrieved, restored and read.

    Even though PAFA has the right to retrieve and read any e-mail messages, other employees must treat those messages as confidential, to be accessed only by the intended recipient. Unless prior management approval is obtained, employees are not authorized to retrieve or read any e-mail messages that are not intended for them. Under no circumstances are Personal Digital Assistants (i.e. Blackberries, smart phones) permitted to be linked or synced to any of PAFA’s computers, servers or other equipment without the approval of the Vice President of Human Resources.

  • Employees should access the Internet primarily for authorized business purposes. Employees are cautioned that the Internet contains millions of pages of information, some of which may be offensive or otherwise inappropriate in a workplace environment. At times, even an innocuous business-related search request may yield sites with offensive or inappropriate content, in which event; the employee is to exit the site immediately. Under no circumstances may an employee upload, download, send, display or otherwise distribute such material.

    Please note that PAFA has the technology to identify each and every web site an employee visits. PAFA reserves the right to monitor the use of its Internet service at any time without further notice to employees.

    Copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than PAFA may not be transmitted by employees on the internet.

  • PAFA prohibits use of its electronic communications systems to create, access or circulate information which may be deemed offensive, disruptive, harassing, discriminatory, demeaning, insulting, intimidating, sexually suggestive, or otherwise unprofessional. Unacceptable electronic communications include, but are not limited to, messages, comments, pictures, slurs, jokes, innuendo or other forms of communication which contain explicit or implicit references to someone’s age, disability, national origin, race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic on which basis discrimination is prohibited by applicable federal, state or local law. No employee should use vulgarity, obscenity, insults, sarcasm or other inappropriate communication.

    Additionally, PAFA prohibits use of its electronic communications systems for purposes of promotion, solicitation or proselytization of any non-business-related activity or event including but not limited to commercial or personal ventures, chain letters, and/or religious, political, social, or other causes unrelated to PAFA’s business.