General COVID-19 Safety Measures
COVID-19 safety measures and recommendations are evolving as more information becomes available about the status of the pandemic. As such, we will continue to adapt our approach based on the recommendations of health authorities and federal, state, and municipal leaders. Download
Jimmie Greeno, our Vice President of Safety and Security, has been named PAFA’s Pandemic Safety Officer as per the May 4, 2020 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Businesses, and leads the planning efforts for PAFA’s reopening and return to campus.
PAFA’s general safety measures include:
Engage Main Line Health as expert advisors and providers. Their contracted services include:
on-site testing
Contact tracing
Plan for and manage an on-campus outbreak, if necessary
Review plans to date and recommend necessary improvements
Provide mandatory trainings to educate the PAFA community about safety protocols and what they need to do to contribute to the general wellbeing of our faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
Daily temperature checks upon arrival for all students, faculty, staff, museum visitors, and anyone else entering the PAFA buildings.
Daily answering of questions related to COVID-19, using an application developed by ComplianceHR, prior to reporting to campus.
Masks will be required to be worn by all students, faculty, and staff at all times while inside PAFA’s buildings. All constituents, including visitors, must arrive wearing their own masks.
De-densify classes and activity in common spaces.
Eliminate activities that result in large gatherings of people.
Stagger work and class schedules.
Routine cleaning will be provided by Clean Tech and PAFA’s Operations Staff during regular business hours.
Intensive daily cleaning will be provided by Clean Tech, nightly.